If you’re struggling to meet all your monthly financial obligations and are drowning in debt, you could be over-indebted. Debt Review to Durban residents is available through Less Debt that can effectively assist you in paying back your outstanding debts in a more manageable way. Debt Review is a solution introduced by the National Credit Act, in aid of over-indebted consumers.
Our Debt Review service to Durban based client’s aims to consolidate all their debt repayments into one, all-inclusive monthly payment, which is made and distributed through a Payment Distribution Agency (PDA). While under Debt Review, you’ll be protected from asset, car and home repossession, and will no longer receive calls from impatient creditors demanding money. With your basic monthly expenses and income in mind, our Less Debt team will negotiate lower monthly instalments and, wherever possible, decreased interest rates with your various creditors on your behalf. Our capable and well versed team will also investigate your creditors for possible cases of reckless lending, which would be at their fault and not yours.
The Debt Review process can take anywhere from 3 to 5 years and depends on how much you are able to pay each month. After successful completion of Debt Review, you will be issued with a Debt Clearance Certificate and can enjoy the benefits of living a life free of debt. Our result driven Debt Review service to Durban residents is approved by the National Credit Regulator (NCR), while our confidentiality is guaranteed.