If you reside in Verulam and require a Debt Review solution to overcome your financial stress for good, our Less Debt team offer just that. We have worked with over-indebted consumers to deliver professional assistance many times, with great results. Our team of debt experts have a clear understanding of debt related matters, and ensure confidentiality and guidance.
The Debt Review service was introduced in 2007 by South Africa’s National Credit Act (NCA). The main benefits of Debt Review is to help over-indebted consumers pay back their debts within their financial means, investigate Reckless Lending from creditors and protect vulnerable consumers from having their assets repossessed. Our Debt Review service to Verulam residents is transparent and effective, and after successful completion, our clients are issued a Debt Clearance Certificate. Once we have determined that you are over-indebted, our team will have a clear understanding of your affordability and expenses, and will then renegotiate the instalment rates you pay with your creditors, reducing them to suit your budget. You can expect instant relief and you pay back just one consolidated monthly payment towards your debts, which is much easier to afford.
Stop allowing your debt to bring you down and consume your life. At Less Debt, our team of Debt Counsellors are dedicated and will provide ongoing support to you throughout the process. Our Debt Review service to Verulam clients is approved by the National Credit Regulator (NCR). You can begin to work on a future free of debt, with the help of trustworthy professionals.