It is just as easy to become over-indebted as it is to attain loans and credit as a struggling consumer. With a rising number of low to middle earning families in South Africa turning to loans and credit cards, debt is becoming more prevalent. At Less Debt, we provide a Debt Counselling service to Grabouw based clients to assistance them in becoming free of debt.
Debt Counselling is a debt relief measure available to over-indebted consumers as a means of overcoming debt. For residents of Grabouw, Debt Counselling can be initiated online through our Less Debt website, by filling in our contact form – one of our professional Debt Counsellors will then get in touch with you to see if you qualify for the Debt Counselling process, which can help you gain control of your finances and provide instant relief. Our Debt Counselling service is approved by the National Credit Regulator (NCR), and the process allows our team to negotiate with your creditors on your behalf, in order to settle on reduced monthly payments and lower interest rates. This allows us to consolidate all your debts into one affordable monthly repayment, which a PDA (Payment Distribution Agency) will be responsible for distributing to your various creditors.
While you undergo Debt Counselling as a Grabouw based client, our team ensures full confidentiality and will also provide ongoing support till your debts have been paid off. We will also investigate possible cases of Reckless Lending. Another benefit of Debt Counselling is protection from legal action and harassing calls from angry creditors demanding payment.