If you are having a hard time paying back your debt each month, Debt Review may present you with a solution to overcoming your financial problems. Our team of Less Debt professionals offer a Debt Review service to Port Elizabeth based clients that is uncomplicated and very effective, and we always do our best to help clients become free of debt.
As a resident of Port Elizabeth seeking a Debt Review solution, the first step is to fill in our online contact form, after which we will assist you with a Debt Assessment and consultation that won’t cost you anything. This will determine if you qualify for Debt Review, while also giving us an understanding of your current financial state. As you undergo the Debt Review process as a Port Elizabeth based client, your creditors may no longer pursue you for payments, and will not be able to repossess your vehicle or assets. The process intends to protect you, while helping you pay back all your debts in a more manageable manner. We will consider your monthly expenses, debt obligations and income when negotiating reduced interest rates on your behalf, with your various creditors. You will then only back one reduced and fixed monthly payment, covering all that you owe.
Our Debt Review service to Port Elizabeth clients who are over-indebted can offer instant relief, and is approved by the National Credit Regulator (NCR). Take a step in the right direction and start gaining control of your finances today – our Less Debt team have experience in assisting clients from all walks of life with this life changing debt solution.